Prosecco, strawberry and apple risotto

30 minutes
2 servings
First courses


Prepare a light and savory vegetable broth.
In a saucepan dry toast the rice for a few minutes. When the rice is shiny, wet with some of the prosecco to blend.
Add broth from time to time until cooked, keeping stirred. Halfway through cooking, incorporate 2 packets of Frutteto strawberry and apple.
Adjust for salt and pepper.
Arrived when cooked, remove from heat let rest 2min and then mix in cold butter. 
Finish by adding parmesan cheese and stirring.


200gr rice
20gr parmesan cheese

600ml light vegetable broth
2 sachets Frutteto strawberry and apple (100gr)

260ml prosecco
30gr butter

q.b pepper
q.b salt

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